Posted by under Uncategorized on April 1 2020, 2 comments


Billy McCarthy 1943 – 2020.


billy mc 1964 photo with satts and coote

John Sattler, Ron Coote and Billy McCarthy.

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The South Sydney Rabbitohs and Chelsea United RL Club are mourning the passing of former Souths and Newtown first grade player, Bill McCarthy on the 27th March 2020.

Billy passed away in Cairns on Friday night from emphysema, at the age of 77.

He is the oldest brother of Bob and Rick McCarthy, and uncle of Darren and Troy McCarthy.

The McCarthy’s were a well-respected family in Kepos Street, Redfern.

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William James McCarthy was born on 6 March 1943 in Sydney, playing his junior football with Chelsea United, where he played for many years as a feared forward and well above his age whenever Chelsea were short of players.

Back Row – ? Ron Lalor – David Wood – Ken Kay – *Billy McCarthy – Peter Atkinson – Tom Harvey – Col Downing – Bob Fishburn – Norm Johnson.
Front: Gus Woods – Geoff Gale – Chicka Riddell – Brian Fuz – David Martin – Billy Stokes – Barry Atkinson
Ball Boy: Noel Hazzard


1960 Chelsea United D Grade

Top – Norm Hazzard – Brian Fuz – Alan Webb – Gus Woods – Alan Stewart – Bob Degan – Tassie Stavrianous
Middle – Col Downing – Bob Fishburn – Barry Atkinson – *Billy McCarthy
Sitting on Ground – Warren Thompson – R. Corkhill (Ball Boy) – Herbie Martin

A very good Chelsea United D grade team.


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*Note: Left click on all images and photos to enlarge.

Billy was graded by Souths in 1961 and for the next five years played a total of 69 grade games, including 10 in first grade (4 in 1962 and 6 in 1964).


billy mc 1961 first grade game


*Billy’s very first grade game at the age of only 18.

13th of May 1961



Billy is Souths Player No. 497 on the First Grade Player Register.

Billy made his first grade debut in 1962 at the age of 19 against Eastern Suburbs on April 21 at Redfern Oval (Round 3), which ended as an 11-all draw after the Roosters led 11-2 at half-time.

billy mc 1962 ist game 1

One of Billys First Grade games from 1962



billy mc 1963 reserve g GF

Billy played in the Reserve Grade team that were just beaten in the 1963 Grand Final.

Score: St George 5 Souths 4.



Souths Team Photo 2.

* Left click on photo to enlarge.

*Above photo thanks to Steven Lalich

1964 was Billy’s best year at Souths.

Bill played in 6 First Grade games.

billy mc 1964 program ss v manly

billy mc 1964 souths v norths at scg

A Good win at the SCG.

Also in 1964 Billy played two games with his younger brother Bob.

billy mc 1964 bob and billy playing together

billy mc 1964 award. billy mc 1964 award 1

Maybe a first two brothers receiving Sun – Hearld points in the same game.

*Below Bob playing in the centres.

billy mc 1964 program ss v saints 6 - 40

The two McCarthy Brothers playing in First Grade for Souths.


billy mc 1964 res g GF

Once again Billy and Souths are beaten in the  1964 Reserve Grade Grand Final.

Score: St George 7 Souths 2.

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billy mc 1965 story about replacing bobby mc

Billy replaces brother Bob in a preseason game V Manly in early 1965.

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Billy moved to Moree in 1966 and played in the Group 5 comp for the Cowra Mission Jets aka the Big M.

The Big M team from 1961. Clive Churchill wearing the number 1 jumper.

* The Little Master was 34 years of age.

While playing for Moree, Billy was chosen to play for Northern Division against the touring

Great Britain side.

billy mc 1966 team v england

billy mc 1966 tamworth game

billy mc 1966 tamworth game 1

The above image is from the E.E. Christensen’s 1967 Year Book.

Supplied by Steve Dillon




Billy in 1968  played three first grade games for Newtown.

Newtown Player Number 579 (1968)

billy mc 1968 ist game with newtown

*The above Vale is only a  very small part of Billy McCarthy’s Rugby League life.

The McCarthy name will always be honoured in the highest esteem by the Chelsea United RL and South Sydney Rabbitohs Clubs.

We will always remember you Billy and never forget the joy you brought so many of us,as we watched you play.


 The Chelsea Old Mates would like to pass on our deepest sympathy’s to Billy’s wife Helen.


Also Bob and Judy and their families.



*“It is not the critic that counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly… who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who have never known neither victory nor defeat.”


RIP Billy.



  • By Warren Thompson on 2 April 2020 at 10:51 pm

    Thank you to Tony Lewis who devoted so much time in creating this wonderful tribute to our old mate Billy McCarthy.

  • By Ken VESSEY on 3 April 2020 at 4:52 am

    The following are some of the numerous emails received by me from people who knew Billy :

    -ex Michael Curin – the McCarthy’s are like our royal family and many thanks for passing on the sad news to us RIP Billy;

    -ex Greg Christensen – Sad news indeed.I had the pleasure of playing with Billy in his time at Souths.We played in a reserve grand grand final in 1963,which we lost to St George .He certainly could have been a better player than Bobby , if he would have only taken it seriously and trained harder.I always remember he and Gary Stevens looking at the program before a game and sizing up the opposition ;

    – ex Veronica Musgrove ( Partner of dec Tom Cocking) – My love to all the McCarthy family.Such a sad and difficult time;

    – ex Jim O’Brien ( Kevin Maloney’s brother in law ) – Many thanks for sending the news on Billy ,his lovely wife Helen worked at The Sunbeam Corporation Mascot , where I worked for 10 years.We became very close friends with both her and Billy. We, Helen and I ,often sharing a meal with Helen & Bill many weekends at a little fish restaurant at La Perouse,that has since been washed away . We were always in contact with them after they re located to Holloways Beach Cairns North Queensland . They moved a week before we got married . This year is the first year we did not get a return card at Xmas , however we were well aware of Bill’s bad health, as well, Helen when we last contacted her , advised last year she had became 75% blind ;

    – ex Herbie Martin’s – Herbie sends his condolences to Billy’s family and his old
    friend ;

    – ex Larry Gaffney – What a piyy. Have not seen him for many years but what a terrific person. Pass on my regards to Bobby if you see him . Remember so well playing footy in the little park in Kepos Street .Few have gone now Billy,Bobby Degan,Davey Southan and Hoots ;

    – ex John Oates – Greatest condolences;Billy had protected me by threatening the enforcers on the other sides, before each game ,whilst each Referee was inspecting the studs under each football boot. It goes without saying that they all got the message . Billy will now meet his close mate,the master Carpenter and Joiner Billy Sloss, who passed away some 12 years ago Oatesy

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