Posted by under on December 9 2017, 0 comments



During our younger days , most children played rugby league for one of the

local Junior Rugby League Clubs’ and this was the case for

youngster’s living in the Sydney inner suburbs of Redfern and Surry Hills .

The Club in this case was the Chelsea United RL Football Club that

competed in the strong South Sydney JRL District from 1951 – 2006. During

these years it was a powerhouse family based Club winning a total of 21

premierships, 4 Club Championships plus providing many players in the

representative South Sydney President Cup and H.Flegg teams in the



Numerous players went onto play grade and representative levels

including Bobby / Billy McCarthy , Gary / Wayne Stevens, Bob Hough, Leo

Toohey, Dave Wood, Kevin Roberts, Peter/Barry Atkinson, Warren

Thompson,Colin Downing, Ray Burns and Keith Phillips. In the 1970’s the area

demographics changed resulting in fewer teams and 2006 was the last year of

competing.During this period and after , a loyal band of Club supporters (

to many to name ) continued to keep the name of the Club alive by holding

Reunions from time to time , until the sad passing of many of the supporters

saw the regularity of Reunions diminish .


The recent Annual Reunion ,organised by Chelsea Old Mates Group , held at

the friendly Erskineville Bowling Club was a resounding success .

It was well attended by ex players, officials, supporters plus ex

players etc from other Club’s including Alexandria Rovers, SS Monarchs,

Waterloo Waratahs, Kensington , Moore Park plus a number of guests including

Blake Solly, Bob McCarthy, Ben Ross, Henry Morris, Brad Ryder and Steve Sim .

The belief that Rugby League is a true basis of forming long friendships,

loyalty and mateship was truly proven on this day , as persons who played

against one another over 60 years ago mingled and renewed acquaintances.


Membership/activities of the Chelsea Old Mates Group can be

found on website free membership , new

members welcomed , 2 monthly activities ; Enquires to Mr Ken Vessey


 029451 8828.

By Ken Vessey

Chelsea Old Mates Organising Committee.

Below are some of the photos taken on the day.

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John Tougher, Col Downing, Bruce Downing, Frank Bostick.

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Gary Wildman, Ron Black, Terry Murray, Alan Webb, Norm Pracey.

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George Clegg, John (Jaffas) Jeffries.

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Digger Woods, Neville Woods, ? , ? , Hank Murphy and John (Bluey) Owens.